Have you been:

  • Deceived by a lie from Satan like Adam and Eve?
  • In denial like David during his affair with Bathsheba?
  • In a pig pen like the lost son?
  • Letting fear dictate your actions like the children of Israel when they arrived at the Promised Land?
  • Sinking in a storm like Peter when he tried to walk on water?
  • Or having a even deeper experience like Jonah after he tried to run away from God?

This workbook provides the biblical basis of the steps to recovery. It involves readers in a study that takes them throughout the Bible while they put the 12 steps to work in their lives. It is an invaluable guide to Christian recovery. The premise of this book is that the 12 steps used by recovery groups take people from the slavery of addiction to the freedom of a God-centered life through Jesus Christ. It may be used by people suffering from any type of addiction. This book may be used as:

  • A text by Christian recovery groups
  • An aid to Bible-believing people in recovery programs
  • A tool for believing counselors working with people suffering from any type of addictive behavior
  • The curriculum for Bible studies

Author: Don Umphrey